​Lake Central Theatre Company

A huge CONGRATS to Ethan Sheely for winning the All Star Award and to Ethan Scheueneman for winning the Outstanding Performer Award! We are so proud of you guys!

What is Internation Thespian Society?

The Internationsl Thespian Society is an honorary organozation for high school and middle school theatre students located at more than 4200 affiliated secondary school across America, Canada and Abroad. The mission of ITS is to honor student achievements in the theatre arts.

CONGRATS to the ITS students and their show Confessions: Kafka in High School as they are State Finalists!!! They will be moving on to compete at the state level in January! 

We are so proud of all your hard work and determination! 

Indiana State Thespians Conference   January 21-23, 2022   Indiana Wesleyan University  Marion, Indiana


*Thespian Status
**Honor Thepsian Status
+National Honor Thespian Status
++International Honor Thespian Status

Lake Central High School is proud to be the home of International Thespian Society Troupe # 2536.  Re-chartered in January, 2005, our current membership contains nearly 50 active members.

The society recognizes the work done by high school students and credits point for that work.  When a student earns ten points, he is eligible to become a member of ITS.  For every ten additional points, she earns a star, and earning sixty points garners the distinction of "Honor Thespian."

Being a member of ITS comes with distinct benefits.  In addition to receiving a one-year subscription to Dramatics magazine, all members are eligible to compete in the individual events competitions at the State Thespian Conference, as well as apply for the Indiana Thespian Scholarships. 

Finally, being a member of ITS denotes that certain students are leaders of LCTC for the outstanding work they have done, and are expected to behave accordingly.  It is aligned to the ITS motto, which is taken from Alexander Pope's Essay on Man:  "Act well your part, there all the honor lies." Type your paragraph here.


Troupe 2536 Officers

​Mr. Bob Gustas is the ITS Sponsor. He directs the show and organizes all ITS events. 

 ITS officers 2021-2022

Co-Presidents: Seneca Howell and Chloe Baisa
Vice President: Ethan Scheuneman
Secretary: Sophia Perkovich
Treasurer: Erin Pistello
Social Media Historian: Lauren Miller
Historian: Olivia Jabczynski 
Sophomore Representative: Ally Dobricky



219-365-8551 X2733

8260 Wicker Avenue Saint John IN 46373 us